
Shah Murad, Nusratullah Khan, Tarique Ahmed Maka, M Ismail Khoso, Saleemullah Abro, Dur Muhammad Shaikh


Obesity and hyperlipidemia is international /worldwide problem causing heart disease leading to major predisposing factor for morbidity and death. Conventional medicine used in allopathy include statins, fibrates, niacin and resins but are going to defame due to their adverse effects. Herbal medicine ginger has proved itself as one of the potent antihyperlipidemic and antiobesity herb with least adverse effects. We did try to compare its hypolipidemic effects with placebo effects when used in mild to moderate hyperlipidemic patients. It was placebo-controlled single blind research study. Research was conducted at National hospital, Lahore, from July to November 2016. Consent was taken from sixty hyperlipidemic patients age range from 25 to 60 years. Both gender male and female patients were enrolled. Patients were randomly divided in two groups, 30 patients were on drug ginger pasted-powder advised to take 5 grams in divided doses with their normal diet for the period of three months. Thirty patients were on placebo pasted-wheat powder, with same color as of ginger powder, advised to take 5 grams in divided doses with their normal diet for the period of three months. Their base line lipid profile and body weight was recorded at start of treatment and were  advised to come for check-up, fortnightly. When duration of study was over, their lipid profile and body weight was measured and compared statistically with pre-treatment values. Three months treatment with 5 grams of ginger decreased total cholesterol from 233.11±1.53 mg/dl  to 198.44±1.23 mg/dl, LDL cholesterol reduced from 202.21±1.88 mg/dl  to 187.72± 1.98 mg/dl, reduced body weight from 76.01±2.66 kg  to 72.80±1.87 kg. Both plasma total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol reduction was statistically significant, but body weight decrease was non-significant when analyzed biostatistically.


Author Biography

Shah Murad, Nusratullah Khan, Tarique Ahmed Maka, M Ismail Khoso, Saleemullah Abro, Dur Muhammad Shaikh

 Professor and HOD, Pharmacology,  DANTH/SZABMU/IMDC, Islamabad, Pakistan.

Assistant Prof of Biochemistry at Bolan University of Medical and health Sciences, Quetta, Pakistan

ENT Specialist at CMH Mangla, Pakistan

Consultant Physician at CMH Mangla, Pakistan

Assistant Professor of Physiology, Baqai Medical University, Karachi Pakistan

Microbiology Department at JSMU Karachi Pakistan

How to Cite
Shah Murad, Nusratullah Khan, Tarique Ahmed Maka, M Ismail Khoso, Saleemullah Abro, Dur Muhammad Shaikh. (2020). IGNORANT THERAPEUTIC WAYS IN HEALTH SCIENCES. International Journal of Medical Science in Clinical Research and Review, 3(02 ,), Page: 40–44. Retrieved from https://ijmscrr.in/index.php/ijmscrr/article/view/77


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