Laparoscopic Management of a Giant Paratubal Cyst : A Case Report


Bouzid ADDAD
Lydia FAÏD
Kamel HAÏL


We report the laparoscopic management of a giant paratubal cyst in a 17-year-old girl. The patient consulted us because of a significant increase in the size of her abdomen. We chose the laparoscopic approach because of the benign nature of the tumour, thus avoiding a useless and unsightly median laparotomy for this young patient.

Keywords : Giant paratubal cyst, Benign tumour, Laparoscopy, A case report.


How to Cite
Lounas BENGHANEM, Bouzid ADDAD, Lydia FAÏD, Mounir BISKER, & Kamel HAÏL. (2024). Laparoscopic Management of a Giant Paratubal Cyst : A Case Report. International Journal of Medical Science in Clinical Research and Review, 7(01), Page: 62–64. Retrieved from