Comparison of Vitamin D Levels in Serum and Severity of Periodontal Parameters in Post Menopausal Women with and Without Chronic Periodontitis A Comparative Study
Background and Objectives: The biologically active form of vitamin D, 1,25 dihydroxy vitamin D (1,25(OH)2D) and its receptor, the vitamin D receptor (VDR), play roles in maintaining oral immunity and the integrity of the periodontium. Owing to the immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties of 1,25(OH)2 D or vitamin D3, a sufficient serum level of vitamin D3 is necessary for the maintenance of periodontal health. Hence this study is aimed at evaluating the effect of serum vitamin D3 levels on the periodontal status of post- menopausal women. Materials and Methods: Twenty three post-menopausal women aged between 50 to 65 years satisfying the inclusion and exclusion criteria were selected and randomly divided into two groups: Test group (With chronic Periodontitis) and Control group (Without Chronic Periodontitis).Clinical parameters like Oral Hygiene Index, Modified Sulcular bleeding Index, Gingival Index, Probing Pocket Depth, and Clinical attachment level were recorded on the same day of obtaining blood samples from the individual for estimation of Vitamin D3 in serum. Results: In the present comparative study a statistically significant inverse association between bleeding index scores and serum vitamin D3 levels in case and control groups and an inverse but not statistically significant association was observed between pocket probing depth scores and serum vitamin D3 levels in the case group. The study proved that serum vitamin D3 levels in the optimal range played a pivotal role in improving the periodontal status of the individual. Conclusion: This present study with all its limitations, gives us a clearer perspective of the role of serum vitamin D3 levels in reducing the severity of periodontal disease though it does not have any influence in the prevention of periodontal disease as such. Nevertheless, the immnomodulatory and anti-inflammatory action of Vitamin D3 on the general and gingival health of every post-menopausal women is noteworthy and can be suggested to be used as an adjuvant tool in screening of periodontal status of every individual.
Keywords: Serum Vitamin D3,chronic periodontitis, post -menopausal women, bleeding index, probing pocket depth.

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