Is there any relation between Blood in Urine with Music Listening during Traveling?
Music provides entertainment to the travelers during long journeys. These days, people listen to music of their own choice. Blood in urine is a very common symptom of various diseases. Purpose of this study was to find out the relation between blood in urine with music listening during traveling. 14% students like music and have blood in urine. While 2% students don’t like music during travel and also have blood in urine. 66% students like music but they don’t have blood in their urine. 18% students don’t like music and they also have no blood in urine.
How to Cite
Muhammad Imran Qadir, M. R. (2019). Is there any relation between Blood in Urine with Music Listening during Traveling?. International Journal of Medical Science in Clinical Research and Review, 2(04), 113–114. Retrieved from