Health and Body Image Perception among Adolescent Students Residing at Social welfare Hostels in A Rural Community from AndraPradesh.


Sangaraju Sai Lahari. MBBS, 2.Devivaraprasad. M. MD Iyer Chandrakala R. DCH, DNB, MRCPch,
Haricharan K, R. MD, 5.Vijayashree G. MBBS, 6. Thejas L kumar. MBBS, 7. Roopkumar. C. MBBS,DCH


Background: Adolescence is a transition between childhood and adulthood with changes in physical, cognitive, emotional and attitudinal domains. During this unique period adolescents’ critical behaviour makes them vulnerable to health problems. Their perception of wellbeing is often different unlike adults. They may not perceive diseases as a major threat and fail to listen to the health advice.  Body image dissatisfaction in adolescents makes them prone to eating disorders, depression and low self-esteem. Added to this, there is unavailability of basic health care infrastructure to adolescents especially in rural areas. Understanding of health and positive body image is crucial for appropriate health in adolescents. Aim: This study was done to understand adolescents’ perception of health and body image with respect to their age and gender and to refer them to get early heath intervention if needed.  Methodology:  A field based cross sectional study was done on 240 school boys and girls between 13 to 15 years residing at four social welfare hostels in a rural area. A pre validated questionnaire on health awareness and their body image perception was used. Results: Health awareness in both boys and girls were found to be 83.3%, whereas body image satisfaction was seen in 45.8% of adolescents of which 48.3% were boys and 43.3% were girls and was statistically insignificant. Though with age there was increase in health awareness and body satisfaction in both boys and girls this was not statistically significant.  Conclusion: Health awareness among adolescent school students residing in hostels at a rural area was good compared to their body satisfaction.


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Iyer Chandrakala R. DCH, DNB, MRCPch, S. S. L. . M. 2.Devivaraprasad. M. M., & 7. Roopkumar. C. MBBS,DCH, H. K. R. M. 5.Vijayashree G. M. 6. Thejas L. kumar. M. (2022). Health and Body Image Perception among Adolescent Students Residing at Social welfare Hostels in A Rural Community from AndraPradesh. International Journal of Medical Science in Clinical Research and Review, 5(06), Page: 1204–1210. Retrieved from