Assessment of newborn children admitted in Tertiary care hospital
A retrospective study was conducted for 2013 -2014 to know the improved and required care of the new born children in SNCU. The major reasons for admission and the major causes of death/referrals were BA, RD, and JD followed by sepsis. The pivotal thing was full-term babies with the above complications were more admitted in both years 2013 and 2014. The admission rate showed fluctuation with respect to months with an average of 74.8 in 2013 to 87.33 per month in 2014. The case-fatality rate slightly increased from 7.9% to 8.0%. The unit had nurse: a bed ratio of 1:1.6 and doctor bed ratio of 1:6.6. The bed occupancy rate ranged from 121.04% in 2013 and 128.75 in 2014 (median), and the average duration of stay ranged from 9.84 in 2013 and 8.96 in 2014. Even though there is still a need to set up and manage quality SCNUs in developing countries.