An immediate placement of implants in to freshly infected extracted sockets in maxillary aesthetic zone : case report.


Mahmoud AL Daykh Abdulgawy1, Hassan Abdullah Hassan2, Sulaiman M Elsayah3, Mostafa F. Mohamed4


Introduction: Extraction and immediate implant placement of aesthetic zone has become routine procedure due to reduced treatment time and the preservation of anatomical structures.

Aim: to illustrate the possibility of inserting immediate implants into the fresh extracted sockets in the infected site.

Presentation of case:  A 33-year-old man, presented with severe periodontitis, and  a pre-existing infected cysts The radiography showed that a large translucent image around the periapical portion of 12,21 with acute pain in maxillary zone. Two  implant BTK ( 12mm length × 4.1 mm) in diameter implants Dentist, made in  were inserted immediately . Five  months later, the second surgery phase (healing screw insertion)  followed by  prostheses were deliverd.

Conclusion: Immediate implant placement a viable treatment option for infected sites.

Keywords: Immediate placement, BTK ,Dental implant, Periapical lesion


How to Cite
Mostafa F. Mohamed4, M. . A. D. A. H. A. H. S. M. E. (2022). An immediate placement of implants in to freshly infected extracted sockets in maxillary aesthetic zone : case report. International Journal of Medical Science in Clinical Research and Review, 5(06), Page: 1177–1179. Retrieved from