
Arul Prasath
Babitha Rexlin
Rini Evangeline
Ramesh kumar




ROP is a Vaso proliferative retinal condition that affects preterm babies. Early identification and treatment of ROP is highly beneficial in protecting a newborn's vision. ROP was initially treated with cryotherapy. Laser photocoagulation later became the conventional therapy for ROP over time. Bevacizumab, a recombinant monoclonal antibody against VEGFR, is currently used to treat ROP. In this study, we investigated the effectiveness of bevacizumab against laser photocoagulation for treating type 1 ROP


This retrospective study was conducted in the department of neonatology, Kanyakumari government medical college. Thirty-six neonates who met the criteria for Type 1 ROP and were treated with either PRP or bevacizumab were followed up till 90 weeks postmenstrual age. The primary outcome markers such as ROP recurrences needing re-treatment and significant complications were documented for each treatment group.


A total of 72 eyes from 36 premature newborns with type 1 ROP were treated. Laser photocoagulation was performed in 30 eyes in 15 cases (41.7%), while IVB injection was performed in 42 eyes in 21 cases (41.7%). (58.3%). A total of 6 eyes had a recurrence, and the recurrence rate was 6.7% for PRP and 9.5 % for IVB. All cases with recurrence had Zone 2 ROP.


Both PRP and IVB are effective treatment options for treating type 1 ROP in both zones 1 and 2. Future RCT studies including larger sample numbers and longer follow-up periods are recommended.


Keywords: ROP-Retinopathy of prematurity, PRP-pan retinal photocoagulation, IVB-intravitreal bevacizumab.


How to Cite
Prasath, A., Rexlin, B., Evangeline, R., & kumar, R. (2022). COMPARISON OF INTRAVITREAL BEVACIZUMAB AND LASER PHOTOCOAGULATION FOR THE TREATMENT OF TYPE 1 RETINOPATHY OF PREMATURITY. International Journal of Medical Science in Clinical Research and Review, 5(06), Page: 1069–1073. Retrieved from


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