Maternal and Neonatal outcome in second stage arrest caesarean section


Nisarg Trivedi



Background : Caesarean section is the most commonly performed surgery in women  and the caesarean which are performed in second stage are technically difficult andhasmanyimplicationsonmaternalandneonatalmorbidity.

Objective- To study the maternal and neonatal outcomein caesarean sectionperformedinsecondstageoflabour


Materials and method –It is a Hospital based prospective study conducted atdepartmentofObstetricsandGynaecology,MahatmaGandhiMedicalCollegeandHospital, Jaipur from July 2020 to June 2021 amongst women who had undergonecaesareansectioninthesecondstageoflabour.

Results- In our study there were 55 (4.3%) patients who had underwent a caesareansectionduringthesecondstageoflabor.Outofthis54.5%casesbelongedtotheage group of 20-25 years. 74.5% patients in our study were primigravidae. 43.63% patientsin our study had gestational age between 38 weeks to 38 weeks and 6 days followedby 38.18% between 37 weeks to 37 weeks and 6 days. The most common indicationof caesarean section in our study was second stage arrest due to malpositionaccounting for 74.5% cases. In our study 78.18 percent patients had PPH with 50.9percent of patients requiring blood transfusion. Most common neonatal complicationwas birth asphyxia seen in 54.5 percent cases followed by meconium aspirationsyndromein29.09%cases.

Conclusion- Women undergoing second stage caesarean section require specialcare as there is increased risk of maternal and neonatal morbidities in them andhence it should be performed by a skilled obstetrician and timely decision ofcaesareanshouldbemadewhenthereareriskfactorsforfailuretoprogress.


How to Cite
Trivedi, N. (2022). Maternal and Neonatal outcome in second stage arrest caesarean section. International Journal of Medical Science in Clinical Research and Review, 5(04), Page: 210–215. Retrieved from