Flexible Laryngoscopic Findings of Patients with Hoarseness





With increasing stress due to day life, rising level of pollution and changing habit and life styles hoarseness and voice disorders are becoming more and more prevalent (1).


1- To emphasize the role of flexible laryngoscopy in diagnosis of hoarseness.

2- To determine the incidence of different causes of hoarseness in patients presented to ENT department in Al-Karkh General Hospital.

Patients and Methods:

During the period from November 2018 to November 2019 (100) patients aged between 3-70 years presented with hoarseness were seen in ENT department in Al-Karkh General Hospital. Flexible laryngoscopy was done for all these patients in whom indirect laryngoscopy was unsatisfactory. Only (37) patients required subsequent direct laryngoscopy.


Out of total number of patients (100), the data were collected and analyzed according to sex , age, duration of hoarseness, associated symptoms and clinical finding on flexible laryngoscopy (54) male ,(46) female , (25%) had squamous cell carcinoma (S.cc) of larynx, (20%) vocal cord palsy, (16%) vocal cord polyp, (12%) vocal cord nodule, (5%) Renkine's edema, (10%) chronic non-specific laryngitis, (4%) acute laryngitis, (6%) function dysphonic, (1%) V.C. papillomatosis, (1%) V.C. webs.


  • The use of flexible laryngoscopy proved to be of great value in diagnosis of hoarseness and examination of larynx.

  • Squamous cell carcinoma constituting the majority of cases with hoarseness in elderly patients.

  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease GERD is an important predisposing factor. In chronic nonspecific laryngitis, vocal cord polyp, nodule and functional dysphonia.


Author Biography

ALI NEZAR HASAN, Alkarkh general hospital

Dr. Ali Nezar Hasan





How to Cite
HASAN, A. N. (2022). Flexible Laryngoscopic Findings of Patients with Hoarseness. International Journal of Medical Science in Clinical Research and Review, 5(03), Page: 112–119. Retrieved from https://ijmscrr.in/index.php/ijmscrr/article/view/194