Awareness about kidney failure in allied health care working professionals: A question based survey
Abstract (Back ground)-Kidney play a vital role in our body, it excreted nitrogenous waste from human body.Renal failure is worldwide problem,but mostlyin developing country renal failure spread rapidly (1) .A large number of patients approximate2 million suffering with renal failure annually, So renal failure have a large economic burden on country.Renal failure treated by different modalities like hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, continuous renal replacement, SLED therapy, kidney transplantation.OBJECTIVE-Because renal failure affect a large number of population they will treated in the hospital by nephrologist and dialyzed in dialysis unit by dialysis technologist. Prevention is better than cure so raising awareness about the renal failure system is a must-have in all health care professionals,this survey observed the awareness in allied health care professional.METHODOLOGY: -It is a question-based survey on the observation of awareness about renal failure inallied health care professional. Question set is based on demographic, education and knowledge based on allied health care professional. Data collection is done by online sampling method .RESULT: It is a question based online survey of allied healthcare provider regarding awareness of function and dysfunction of kidney. Approximate 184 participant take participation in this survey mostly person have a well awareness, buta large number of participant have no awareness about leading cause of renal failure.CONCLUSION-The study was about awareness of kidney function, renal failure, signs, symptoms, and indications among allied health professionals. Few participants have a lack of awareness, which is not good for the health sector and general population.
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