Evaluation of Antidiabetic activity of ficus benghalensis linn by in vitro pharmacological screening of prop root decoction with respect to a-amylase and a-glucosidase inhibitory activities


*K. Suresh1, *K. Sudheer2, Srinivasarao Mande3, Gangavarapu Nadia Psalms3, Lalitha Repudi*3


Diabetes mellitus ‘the disease of modern civilization’ is characterized by persistently elevated hyperglycemia leading to degenerative changes and Multi organ dysfunction if not intervened appropriately and Type II DM is the prevalent form and is multifactorial in etiology accounting for 80% of cases across the globe.. In this context this study was aimed to screen for potential α- amylase and α-glucosidase inhibitors from natural sources by in–vitro antidiabetic assays to determine their antidiabetic potential. The tender prop root decoction of Ficus benghalnesis,a sacred species widely known for its myriad health benefits was selected for our study. Various concentrations of FBPRD (50,100,200,400 and 800 μg/ml) were tested against fungal α- amylase and α-glucosidases as well for glucose uptake assay in yeast and glucose adsorption assay. The statistically (Graph pad prism version 8.2.3) processed results and IC 50 values indicated a prominent dose dependent inhibition of the enzymes (reference drug: acarbose)and increases in glucose uptake (sreference drug: Metronidazole ) was evident. FBPRD also exhibited glucose adsorption capacity too. The results indicated that the polyphenolic compounds present in FBPRD might resulted in the utilization of glucose by yeast and served as good inhibitors of key enzymes like α- amylase and α- glucosidase. Further rigorous pre- clinical assessment has to be carried out to establish the anti diabetic potential of FBPRD.

Keywords: Hyperglycemia, FBPRD, antidiabetic, α-amylase, α-glucosidase, glucose uptake assay, IC 50,.


How to Cite
*K. Suresh1, *K. Sudheer2, Srinivasarao Mande3, Gangavarapu Nadia Psalms3, Lalitha Repudi*3. (2024). Evaluation of Antidiabetic activity of ficus benghalensis linn by in vitro pharmacological screening of prop root decoction with respect to a-amylase and a-glucosidase inhibitory activities. International Journal of Medical Science in Clinical Research and Review, 7(03), Page: 430–440. Retrieved from http://ijmscrr.in/index.php/ijmscrr/article/view/781