Proportion of Guillain Barre syndrome and their outcome among children presenting with acute flaccid paralysis
Background: Guillain Barre syndrome ( GBS) is a common cause of acute flaccid weakness in children with long term morbidity in term of poor functional outcome.
Aim: To estimate the frequency of GBS and to determine contributing factors for poor functional outcome.
Methods: Retrospective study. Two year data of children presented with acute flaccid paralysis ( AFP) were retrieved from hospital records. Outcome measures of GBS were need for mechanical ventilation ( MV), mortality and functional status at 6 month.
Results: Out of 47 cases of AFP, 39 (83%) had GBS. Summer season witnessed lowest number of cases. Median age of GBS patient was 9 year, 64% males. At presentation 80% had disability score>=3. AMAN (49%) most common subtype. 28% patient needed MV. Mortality was 15%. Out of 33 survived patient ,11 (33.33%) had poor functional outcome at 6 month. High disability score ( p o.o49), long duration between symptom onset and admission ( p 0.047), rapid progression ( p 0.03) and AMAN variety ( 0.0045) were associated with poor outcome.
Conclusion: Long term disability is common in children having GBS. Axonal type of nerve injury is poor predictive factor both for mortality and functional outcome.

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