Analysis of perinatal mortality in a tertiary care hospital
Aim: To analyze the perinatal mortality in a tertiary care center. Background: To identify the maternal risk factor in a tertiary care center in a developing country. Methodology: Data on perinatal deaths was collected from 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023 from the monthly perinatal mortality records. Fetal death after 28 weeks till 7 days of birth was included in this study. All fresh, macerated, and inborn and outborn early neonatal deaths were included. Results: The study was conducted to identify the cause of perinatal mortality and its maternal risk factors. During the study period, a total of 3931 deliveries were done and there were 60 perinatal deaths, 9 fresh, 29 macerated, and 22 early neonatal deaths. Out of 60 perinatal deaths, 47 deaths (78.33%) were before 37 weeks of gestation and 13 deaths (21.66%) were after 37 weeks of gestation. Among 60 perinatal deaths, 22(36.5%) had no antenatal checkups, 19(31.7%) had irregular antenatal checkups and 19(31.7%) had regular checkups.14 (23.3%) had one maternal risk factor and 5 (8.3%) had more than 1 risk factor. Out of 60 deaths, 41(68.3%) underwent NVD and 19(31.7%) underwent LSCS. A total of 44 (69.8%) deaths were below 2.5 kg. Prematurity and preeclampsia (17.5% and 17.5% respectively) were one of the most common causes of perinatal deaths. Conclusion: Prematurity, Low birth weight (LBW), preeclampsia, irregular antenatal checkups, and ignorance of seeking medical help were the most associated factors in perinatal mortality.
Keywords: perinatal mortality, prematurity, low birth weight.

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