Vaginoscopic septotomy of a blind right vagina in virgin adolescent with d’Herlyn-Werner-Wunderlich syndrome : A case report


Amal Mouzali1,2
Faycal Makhlouf3
Nabila Mechri1
Faiza Nemmour1
Youcef Tayebi1


Herlyn-Werner-Wunderlich syndrome is a rare congenital anomaly of the urogenital system. It is defined by the triad of a didelph uterus, a blind hemivagina and ipsilateral renal agenesis. Diagnosis is usually made shortly after menarche.

We present a case report and surgical video of a 14-year-old virgin girl treated by vaginoscopically septotomy of her complet  blind right hemivagina. Therefore, we preserved the integrity of the hymen, concluding that endoscopy is useful and effective in this pathology.


How to Cite
Amal Mouzali1,2, Faycal Makhlouf3, Nabila Mechri1, Faiza Nemmour1, & Youcef Tayebi1. (2024). Vaginoscopic septotomy of a blind right vagina in virgin adolescent with d’Herlyn-Werner-Wunderlich syndrome : A case report. International Journal of Medical Science in Clinical Research and Review, 7(02), Page: 184–186. Retrieved from