A Secular Trend of Birth Weight in a Select urban Maternity Home, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India


Dr. Renuka Prithviraj, Dr. Shweta D Hiremath, Dr. Maheshwaran R, Dr. Lavanya R


Background: Birth weight is a direct estimate of the maturity of new born and also an important indicator of maternal and child health. Birth weight being an important output indicator for evaluation of the RCH programme, it was decided to undertake the present study. Aims & Objectives: 1) To estimate the mean birth weight among babies delivered in an urban family welfare centre. 2) To determine the various socio-demographic factors associated with birth weight among the study population. Methodology: A retrospective study using secondary data in an urban family welfare centre in Bangalore urban district was conducted. Study group comprised of 2136 deliveries that were recorded in the parturition register between June 2015- June 2020. Babies with congenital anomalies and multiple pregnancies were excluded from the study. The socio demographic details and factors affecting birth weight were collected. Descriptive and inferential statistics was used for analysis. Results: The estimated mean birthweight in this study was 2.96±0.48 kgs(male : 2.99±0.49 kgs , female : 2.92±0.47) with increase of 150 gms through six years period. Also gender wise significant increase was noted with160gms increase in males and 140gms increase in females. Birth weight was significantly high among term newborns and those belonging to APL family. A significant improvement in birth weight was observed with increase in maternal haemoglobin. Conclusions: The mean birthweight was 2.96±0.48kgs. birth weight has remained stagnant during the six year period in spite of small increase of 150 gms.


Keywords: Birth weight, Bangalore Urban , Term newborns, haemoglobin.


Author Biography

Dr. Renuka Prithviraj, Dr. Shweta D Hiremath, Dr. Maheshwaran R, Dr. Lavanya R

Professor,Head of the department,  Department of Community Medicine Sapthagiri Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, Banaglore,India

Assistant Professor,Department of community medicine The Oxford Medical College and research Centre,    Bangalore,India

Professor, Community Medicine Sapthagiri Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, Bangalore,India

Statistician  Sapthagiri Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, Bangalore,India

How to Cite
Dr. Renuka Prithviraj, Dr. Shweta D Hiremath, Dr. Maheshwaran R, Dr. Lavanya R. (2023). A Secular Trend of Birth Weight in a Select urban Maternity Home, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India. International Journal of Medical Science in Clinical Research and Review, 6(03), Page: 564–571. Retrieved from http://ijmscrr.in/index.php/ijmscrr/article/view/542