Factor identification of iron deficiency in children: A case study in Multan


Sumbal Javaid, Muhammad Kashan Javed, Anam Javaid


Iron deficiency is considered as a big problem in children. It occurs because of inadequate iron intake, pregnancy or blood loss due to menstruation, internal bleeding, inability to absorb iron. The risk factors in iron deficiency are women of child bearing age, pregnant women, people with poor diet, blood donated people, infants and children. It is common in all age group but children are more prone to this. The main symptoms of iron deficiency are fatigue, lethargy, pale skin, shortness of breath, dizziness, cold hands and feet brittle nails, headache. The diagnostic test of anemia is complete blood count. Anemia is diagnosed by this test but additional tests like iron level, red blood cells size, color, ferritin level and total iron binding capacity are also used. If anemia is caused by internal bleeding then fecal occult tests, endoscopy and colonoscopy may also be used. complications of iron deficiency anemia are various including rapid and irregular heartbeat, pregnancy complication, delayed growth in infants and children. Current study focusses on the factors affecting on it. The results showed that the main factor in children is less intake than requirement. Treatment option includes iron supplements, diet, treating the underlying bleeding, Iron deficiency anemia can be prevented by adequate iron intake and by eating diet rich in iron and vitamin c. Moths should make sure to feed their babies breast milk or iron fortified infant formula to prevent iron deficiency anemia


How to Cite
Anam Javaid, S. J. M. K. J. (2019). Factor identification of iron deficiency in children: A case study in Multan. International Journal of Medical Science in Clinical Research and Review, 2(03), 89–91. Retrieved from http://ijmscrr.in/index.php/ijmscrr/article/view/44