Whenever IRON deficiency word is used everybody thinks of iron deficiency anemia which is a major nutritional problem in our country. Iron is a part of haemoglobin which has oxygen carrying capacity to the tissues that is the most important function of haemoglobin. Here we discuss the other aspects where Iron works at cellular level in different system of body as co-enzyme including major role in cardiovascular central nervous system. This aticle presents iron deficiency syndrome and improvement with elemental iron replacement before significant rise in hemolgobin level iron is a essential element working at cellular level and iron deficiency results in iron deficiency involving all major system of body. Elemental iron replacement results in significant improvement of cardiac as well as neuronal function. Till now the elemental iron deficiency in the body tissues causing disease had been given no attention at all and iron replacement is till today done only to treat iron deficiency anemia and nothing else. So, the underlying article is important in the state that no book or even on internet mention the use of the elemental iron in several diseases is describe below.
KEY WORDS : Iron deficiency, Co-enzyme at cellular level, various systems of body
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