Our study is aimed at strengthening the evidence for association between the mouth breathing and craniofacial anomalies and to check whether or not there are differences between mouth breathers and nasal breathers with regard to craniofacial morphology.
A total of 70 subjects were selected for our study based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Out of the total 70 subjects, Group-I consisted of 20 males and 15 females and Group-II consisted of 17 males and 18 females, with the age range of 12-16 years. Lateral cephalometry was used in all the subjects for the
evaluation and analysis of the craniofacial morphology.
The mean values of SNA, SNB and SN-Npog were: higher for Group II (Nasal Breathers) and the difference was statistically significant with the p- value of <0.05. The mean values of Ar-Go-Gn, NA-Apog, Y- axis, FMA, PP-Go-Gn and SN-Go-Gn were: higher for Group I (Mouth Breathers) and the difference was statistically significant with the p- value of <0.05.
Normal pattern of breathing has a marked effect on the craniofacial growth and development, resulting in series of functional transformations that may affect the dentofacial complex. A significant difference in craniofacial morphology was observed between mouth breathers and nasal breathers.
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