STUDY OF PREVALANCE, ETIOLOGY, MORPHOLOGICAL TYPES OF ANEMIA IN CHILDREN OF AGE GROUPS :study of prevalence, etiology, morphological types of anemia in children of different age groups Section Original Research Paper
Background : Anemia is a global health problem affecting persons of all ages and economic groups. According to the National Family Health Survey (NFHS-4) data, the incidence of anemia in urban children is 55.9%, rural is 59.4%, and overall is 58.4%10 .In the developing world, in less than five years of age, 42% of children and 53% of children 5– 14 years of age are anemic 15 .
Objective :The aim of the present study is to study the prevalence, etiology, morphological types of anemia in children in different age groups with regard to genders, their feeding practices and socioeconomic status.
Results: The prevalence of anemia in this present study was 66.7% more in females compared to males. Microcytic hypochromic anemia was the most common type.Iron deficiency anemia was the most common etiology. Severe anemia cases were more in class 4 and class 5 socioeconomic status.
Conclusion:Nutritional anemia due to iron deficiency is the leading trace element deficiency seen in children.Creating awareness, providing health education to mothers and caregivers helps to prevent iron deficiency anemia in infants and young children.
KEYWORDS: Anemia , Etiology, Morphology, Prevalence