Post traumatic right sided diaphragmatic rupture with liver injury: A case report.


1. Dr. Deepti Chanjotra , 2. Dr. Rajni Bhardwaj ,


Right sided diaphragmatic hernia is an uncommon injury following blunt torso trauma. Abdominal organ herniation through the right hemidiaphragm is rare due to protective function of the liver. High morbidity and mortality of this condition requires early diagnosis and rapid treatment.  A rare case of post traumatic diaphragmatic rupture with liver injury is being presented as this case required high suspicious for its diagnosis and strict monitoring of patient's vitals and watch over symptoms and signs of distress. The patient presented with a history of fall from tree with polytrauma. Chest skiagram and CECT abdomen showed elevated right hemidiaphragm. Diaphragmatic hernia was detected on laparoscopy and open surgical repair was done. No complications were observed in the postoperative and follow up period.


How to Cite
2. Dr. Rajni Bhardwaj , 1. D. D. C. ,. (2022). Post traumatic right sided diaphragmatic rupture with liver injury: A case report. International Journal of Medical Science in Clinical Research and Review, 5(05), Page: 666–670. Retrieved from