Assessment of inhaler device preference and inhaler technique in Asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Background : The delivery of drugs by inhalation is an integral component of asthmaandchronicobstructivepulmonarydisease management.However,even with effective inhaled pharmacological therapies, the disease remains poorly controlled around the world. The reasons for this are manifold, amongthemthe important being, poor patient education and poor inhaler technique. In this study, patient inhaler preference and proper inhaler technique will be assessed.Methods : A cross sectional study was conducted in patients coming to MES medical college during 1st January 2019 to 31st December 2019 with a diagnosisofCOPD/Asthmaand receivinginhalermodeoftherapy.Theinhaler technique of patient’s device as well as preference for other available inhaler devices was evaluated.Data were entered into MS excel and analysis were done using SSPS® software version 23.Results :Totalof226 patients enrolled into the study. The rate ofwrongsteps was higher in MDI without spacer (50.17%) group. The rate ofwrong steps in the male population was 56% which was lesser when compared to female population which was as high as 71% and this was statistically significantp= o.o45.Therateofwrongstepswashigher intheolderpopulationmorethan60 years (78%) than in younger population (52%).Turbuhaler,Diskus&Synchrobreathewaspreferredby82.30%overthecurrentinhalerdevice followedbyMDIwithoutspacer(10.18%), Revolizer, Lupihaler&Rotahaler (7.52%).Conclusion : Asignificant proportionofpatients are practicing wrong inhaler technique.Wronginhalertechniqueis morefrequent inolderagegroupand in female patients.Turbuhaler,diskusandsynchrobreathewaspreferredbymajorityoverthe current inhaler device.