Assessment of Breastfeeding Practices and Infant Feeding Patterns of 0 - 6 Months of Age Among Lactating Mothers


Rohini Zambare
Mukta Bidikar
Vaishnavi Ashish Damohe
Aashi Mehta


To understand breastfeeding practices among low socio-economic groups. To acknowledge factors that affect the mother’s knowledge of breastfeeding. To assess the breastfeeding practices among lactating mothers.

1) To evaluate the knowledge and awareness of mothers regarding appropriate breastfeeding practices.

2) To find out if exclusive breastfeeding practice is carried out by mothers.

3) To understand the awareness regarding colostrum and its importance.

4) To assess the influence of the elderly's advice on breastfeeding practices.

5) To find out dietary modifications in the diet of the mother.

6) To counsel the mothers about galactagogues to increase breastmilk production.


How to Cite
Zambare, R., Bidikar, M., Damohe, V. A., & Mehta, A. (2022). Assessment of Breastfeeding Practices and Infant Feeding Patterns of 0 - 6 Months of Age Among Lactating Mothers. International Journal of Medical Science in Clinical Research and Review, 5(05), Page: 854–865. Retrieved from