ICF - Based Analysis of Parents’ Perception of Difficulties faced by Children with Learning Disabilities


Jyoti Shailesh Mohite
R Rangasayee


Background: The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health for children and adolescents (ICF CY)  framework is used  for evaluating domain specific difficulties in children with Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLDs).

Aim: The aim  was to profile the communication-related activity limitation and participation restriction if any, in children with LD using the ICF framework based on parental report.

Method: 35 parents of children with academic difficulties were interviewed with the ICF CY checklist aimed to estimate the functioning profile of the children with respect to communication related activities in their environment and get an overview about any participation restriction posed by their specific learning disabilities

 Results: The results of the present study revealed that majority of CWLD, do not have much difficulty in understanding verbal or gestural instructions, nor do they have any problems in speaking still they were unable to maintain social relationship.  When it comes to reading, writing and performing calculations, they do face problems of varying severity. While the traditional assessment does tap the specific difficulties in reading and writing, ICF CY complements the traditional diagnosis by emphasizing not only what impairment is seen in an individual but also giving directions in terms of what social factors should be considered when selecting appropriate goals to bring about change in the lives and in the school experiences of children with LD. It gives important cues to parents that not only outside but the situation in child’s own home also needs modification.

 Conclusion: ICF CY serves as a tool for advocacy of inclusion of children with LD in various situations like school, home and society at large. The use of parental report provide insight to parents about the difficulties faced by their children and provide them with the opportunities to work together with the therapist not only to provide direct intervention with the child, but also to be instrumental in creating awareness about the needs of their children among his friends, school and society.


How to Cite
Mohite, J. S., & Rangasayee, R. (2022). ICF - Based Analysis of Parents’ Perception of Difficulties faced by Children with Learning Disabilities. International Journal of Medical Science in Clinical Research and Review, 5(04), Page: 293–303. Retrieved from http://ijmscrr.in/index.php/ijmscrr/article/view/228


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