


Aims and Objectives: To study the various causes of pancytopenia in our region and assess the haematological and bone marrow findings in various cases of pancytopenia.

Materials and Methods: The study is of prospective and analytical type, conducted on patients attending outpatient and inpatient department of AVBRH, tertiary care centre. All the cases irrespective of age and sex with pancytopenia were included in this study. Peripheral smear was used for morphological classification and typing of anemia. Bone marrow aspiration was then carried out under all aseptic precautions and slides were stained with leishmans stain. Cytochemistry was done using Myeloperoxidase stain and Periodic Acid and Schiff reagent stain were performed where necessary. Significant parameters like aetiology, age, gender, clinical features, hematological parameters, peripheral blood film, bone marrow aspiration findings in different cases of pancytopenia were compared with various studies published in literature.

Results: A detailed peripheral blood smear examination was done on all patients. Megaloblastic anemia had 28 cases, 11 patients of  acute leukemia immature cells, aplastic anemia had total 5 cases. The commonest bone marrow finding was megaloblastic anaemia 28(52.8%), followed by acute leukemia 11(20.8%) and normoblastic erythroid hyperplasia 6(11.3%), aplastic anaemia5(9.4%) other causes were mixed nutritional anaemia, multiple myeloma and Non hodkins lymphoma all had 1(1.9%) case each.

Conclusion: In our country main cause of pancytopenia being fortunately megaloblastic anaemia which responds very well to treatment if diagnosed correctly in time. The present study concludes that detailed haematological investigations along with bone marrow examination in cytopenic patients are not only helpful in understanding the disease process but also to diagnose or to rule out the causes of pancytopenia and planning further investigations and management of these patients.


How to Cite
NAROTE, D. V. S., & JHAM, R. S. (2022). CLINICO HAEMATOLOGICAL STUDY IN CASES OF PANCYTOPENIA. International Journal of Medical Science in Clinical Research and Review, 5(02), Page: 89–99. Retrieved from


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