Myositis in a 22-year-old girl suffering from Celiac Disease. A Case report. Section Case Report


Mahreen Zia
Zubair Ahmed
Tanveer Hussain
Muhammad Sarfraz Khan
Areeb Khalid
Basit Ali


Celiac disease is a chronic intestinal disorder with many extra manifestations including bone disease, muscular disorders, endocrine disorder, and neurological deficits. We report a 22 years old girl who presented with diarrhea and symmetrical lower limb muscular weakness. Patient had short stature as well as refractory iron deficiency anemia. Her reports showed a positive anti transglutaminase IgA, and duodenal mucosal villous atrophy thereby establishing the diagnosis of celiac disease. Moreover, her muscle enzymes were also raised along with abnormal electromyography contributing to diagnosis of myositis secondary to celiac disease. Coexistence of both disorders in a patient provided evidence to the fact that both share an autoimmune etiology.


How to Cite
Zia, M., Ahmed, Z., Hussain, T., Khan, M. S., Khalid, A., & Ali, B. (2020). Myositis in a 22-year-old girl suffering from Celiac Disease.: A Case report. International Journal of Medical Science in Clinical Research and Review, 3(05), Page : 185–187. Retrieved from


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